Income tax exclusion created for the amount of capital gain that is invested in certain types of Wisconsin businesses; conditions and definition provisions -  AB38
Income tax exclusion created for the amount of capital gain that is invested in certain types of Wisconsin businesses; conditions and definition provisions -  SB28
Job creation tax benefit created, Comm.Dept and DOR duties -  SB539
Job creation tax benefit created re new full-time employees and withholding tax -  AB853
Job creation tax benefit created re new full-time employees and withholding tax -  SB621
Jobs Tax Benefit created [Sec. 620, 1569, 1654, 1720, 3070, 9110 (6), (7), 9443 (11); Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, 1540d, 1593b, 1598d, 1625d, 1677b, 1688d, 1702d, 1741b, 1873d] -  AB75
New small business internship credit created -  AB909
Postsecondary education credit created re businesses that pay tuition for an individual to attend university, college, or technical college -  AB641
Postsecondary education credit created re businesses that pay tuition for an individual to attend university, college, or technical college -  SB409
Postsecondary education credit re income and franchise taxes to businesses and corporations that pay certain tuitions  - SB63
Purchasing preference: certain percentage of state agency and local governmental unit purchases to be from Wisconsin-based businesses -  AB1
Skills training grants by TCS Board: certain prohibitions eliminated [Sec. 758; original bill only]  - AB75
Skills training grants by TCS Board: eligibility specified [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 262s, 758d-t]  - AB75
Small Business Health Options Program Authority created as a public body corporate and politic; health benefit plan exchange established, federal grant moneys provision  - SB707
Small Business Regulatory Review Board membership and administrative rule provisions revised; small business ombudsman clearinghouse changed to Office of the Small Business Advocate, Comm.Dept duties -  AB799
Small Business Regulatory Review Board membership and administrative rule provisions revised; small business ombudsman clearinghouse changed to Office of the Small Business Advocate, duties revised and report required  - AB767
Targeted microloans pilot program for the creation of new businesses established in Comm.Dept - AB641
Targeted microloans pilot program for the creation of new businesses established in Comm.Dept [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, nonprofit finance corporation to administer]  - SB409
U.W. Board of Regents: awarding WiSys Technology Foundation, Inc. grants for the Wisconsin Small Company Advancement program; appropriations for a business plan competition program and emerging technology center at U.W. La Crosse, private contribution provision; reports required  - AB641
U.W. Board of Regents: awarding WiSys Technology Foundation, Inc. grants for the Wisconsin Small Company Advancement program; appropriations for a business plan competition program and emerging technology center at U.W. La Crosse, private contribution provision; reports required [S.Sub. Amdt.1: further revisions] -  SB409
Weather radio systems: businesses that install or sell vehicle radios required to include -  AB19
buyers clubBuyers club, see Trade practice
c - C -
cabinet form of governmentCabinet form of government, see Governor — Cabinet
calumet countyCalumet County
Circuit court branch added to Calumet County -  SB95
Fox Cities regional transit authority: creation authorized - AB734
campgroundCampground, see Recreation
cancerCancer, see Disease
canning industryCanning industry, see Farm produce
canoeCanoe, see Boat
capital gains taxCapital gains tax
Capital gains tax exclusion for long-term gains: changes made by 2009 WisAct 28 restored; JSCTE appendix report  - AB866
Capital gains tax exclusion for long-term gains reduced; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 1543, 9343 (13); Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, provision re farm assets, 1543b]  - AB75
Income tax exclusion created for the amount of capital gain that is invested in certain types of Wisconsin businesses; conditions and definition provisions -  AB38
Income tax exclusion created for the amount of capital gain that is invested in certain types of Wisconsin businesses; conditions and definition provisions -  SB28
Reinvested capital gains: procedure created for certain persons to defer taxation; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 1535, 1544, 3073] -  AB75
carbon monoxide detectorCarbon monoxide detector, see Public safety
cardiocerebral resuscitation _ccr_Cardiocerebral resuscitation (CCR), see Medical service
cardiopulmonary resuscitation _cpr_Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), see Medical service
casa _court_appointed special advocate_CASA (Court-appointed special advocate), see Juvenile court
catastrophic insuranceCatastrophic insurance, see Insurance — Health
Dog damage claim re injured or killed farm animal, dog, or cat: deadline for filing revised; dog damage reimbursement fund required -  AB161
caucusCaucus, see Legislature
ccap _consolidated court automation programs_CCAP (Consolidated Court Automation Programs), see State Courts, Director of
ccr _cardiocerebral resuscitation_CCR (Cardiocerebral resuscitation), see Medical service
cell phoneCell phone, see Telephone
cellular telephoneCellular telephone, see Telephone
Funeral and burial expenses for decedents who, during life, received certain public assistance: maximum amount a county department may contribute increased  - AB832
Funeral and burial expenses for decedents who, during life, received certain public assistance: maximum amount a county department may contribute increased  - SB338
Misappropriation from cemetery of object indicating deceased was a veteran: court to require reimbursement of replacement cost -  AB376
Incarcerated, disenfranchised felons excluded from census count used for redistricting legislative, county, and other districts with statutorily elected officers: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR63
Incarcerated, disenfranchised felons excluded from census count used for redistricting legislative, county, and other districts with statutorily elected officers: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR42
certified public accountantCertified public accountant
Tax preparer: DOR to promulgate rules to prohibit a person from practicing without a license, CPA and attorney provisions; refund anticipation loan prohibited  - AB290
charitable corporationCharitable corporation, see also Organization, Miscellaneous
Forest crop law parcel transfer for certain small parcel re nonprofit archery club [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 1829g-r]  - AB75
Meat of game animal lawfully killed and donated to charitable organization: individual income tax deduction for processing costs created; income and franchise tax exemption for income derived from processing fees; JSCTE appendix report  - AB714
Nonprofit fundraising event: beer and wine provided for free without municipal license [A.Sub.Amdt.1; deleted by A.Amdts.] -  AB75
Student housing: property tax exemption created; residency requirements and U.W. Madison provision [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 1515m, 1516c, 9343 (21g)] - AB75
Temporary Class ``B" or ``Class B" alcohol license issued to certain nonprofit organizations selling beer and wine at fundraising events authorized, exception to prohibition on Class ``B" license or permit for premises where another business is conducted; number of temporary ``Class B" licenses issued to eligible applicants in a 12-month period increased  - AB900
Temporary Class ``B" or ``Class B" alcohol license issued to certain nonprofit organizations selling beer and wine at fundraising events authorized, exception to prohibition on Class ``B" license or permit for premises where another business is conducted; number of temporary ``Class B" licenses issued to eligible applicants in a 12-month period increased  - SB537
Traveling sales crews: regulations extended to include certain nonprofit organizations referred to as ``501 (c) (4) organizations" and political organizations referred to as ``527 political organizations" -  AB528
Wholesale distribution of prescription drugs: exception created for donation of samples to certain charities  - AB651
Wholesale distribution of prescription drugs: exception created for donation of samples to certain charities [S.Amdt.1: ``Cancer and chronic diseases drug repository" changed to ``Drug repository"] -  SB455
charter schoolCharter school, see School
chase, town ofChase, Town of, see Wood County
chavez, cesar eChavez, Cesar E., see Labor
Employee pay deductions: penalty for employer failure to list [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 2186f] -  AB75
Soliciting purchase of goods or services by unsolicited delivery of a document that appears to be a check or money order payable to recipient prohibited; DATCP authority and forfeiture provisions [A.Amdt.2: exception added and conditions specified] -  AB261