2011 - 2012 LEGISLATURE
November 29, 2011 - Introduced by Representatives Barca, Toles, Sinicki, Zepnick,
Bewley, Seidel, Doyle, Pasch, Pocan, Milroy, Ringhand, Hulsey, Molepske
Jr, Grigsby, C. Taylor, Mason, Vruwink, Steinbrink, Turner, Roys, Bernard
Schaber, Clark, Fields
and Pope-Roberts, cosponsored by Senators Miller,
Lassa, Shilling, Wirch, Taylor, Holperin
and S. Coggs. Referred to
Committee on Colleges and Universities.
AB398,1,3 1An Act to amend 38.28 (1m) (a) 1.; and to create 20.292 (1) (aj) and 38.39 of the
2statutes; relating to: workforce growth grants to technical college districts and
3making an appropriation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill allows a technical college district board to obtain grants from the
Technical College System Board for the purpose of partnering with a business,
consortium of businesses, economic development organization, or local workforce
development board in a project to help meet local needs for supporting economic
sectors with a documented skills gap or high workforce shortage, including
manufacturing, energy, information technology, skilled trades, and health care. A
project may provide for activities that address development of individuals prior to
entering the workforce and workforce training, including any of the following: 1) jobs
training scholarships based on local labor market needs; 2) building or
infrastructure construction; 3) equipment and material purchases; 4) faculty hiring;
5) development of certain curricula; or 6) student career support services, including
job placement and business recruitment. The bill directs the Technical College
System Board to award grants to technical college districts that apply to the board
to fund the costs of such projects. In awarding the grants, the bill requires the
Technical College System Board to consider the speed by which the activities
specified in applications could meet training and employment needs and give a
preference to projects that seek to eliminate waiting lists for courses pertaining to
jobs with high employment demand.

For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB398, s. 1 1Section 1. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place, insert
2the following amounts for the purposes indicated: - See PDF for table PDF
AB398, s. 2 3Section 2. 20.292 (1) (aj) of the statutes is created to read:
AB398,2,54 20.292 (1) (aj) Workforce growth program. The amounts in the schedule for
5grants to technical college districts under s. 38.39.
AB398, s. 3 6Section 3. 38.28 (1m) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB398,2,157 38.28 (1m) (a) 1. "District aidable cost" means the annual cost of operating a
8technical college district, including debt service charges for district bonds and
9promissory notes for building programs or capital equipment, but excluding all
10expenditures relating to auxiliary enterprises and community service programs, all
11expenditures funded by or reimbursed with federal revenues, all receipts under sub.
12(6) and ss. 38.12 (9), 38.14 (3) and (9), 38.39, 118.15 (2) (a), and 118.55 (7r), all receipts
13from grants awarded under ss. 38.04 (8), (20), (28), and (31), 38.14 (11), 38.26, 38.27,
1438.33, and 38.38, all fees collected under s. 38.24, and driver education and chauffeur
15training aids.
AB398, s. 4 16Section 4. 38.39 of the statutes is created to read:
138.39 Workforce growth program. (1) A district board may obtain grants
2under sub. (2) for the purpose of partnering with a business, consortium of
3businesses, local workforce development board established under 29 USC 2832, or
4economic development organization, that is located or provides service in the district,
5in a project to help meet local needs for supporting sectors of the economy with a
6documented skills gap or high workforce shortage, which could include
7manufacturing, energy, information technology, skilled trades, and health care. A
8project may provide for activities that address development of individuals prior to
9entering the workforce and workforce training, which could include one or more of
10the following:
AB398,3,1111 (a) Job training scholarships based on local labor market needs.
AB398,3,1212 (b) Building or infrastructure construction.
AB398,3,1313 (c) Equipment and material purchases.
AB398,3,1414 (d) Faculty hiring.
AB398,3,1615 (e) Development in partnership with industry of curricula, based on industry
16standards, that lead to certificates or degrees.
AB398,3,1817 (f) Student career support services, including job placement and business
AB398,3,24 19(2) From the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (aj), the board shall award
20grants to district boards that apply to the board to fund the costs of projects under
21sub. (1). The board shall consider the speed by which the activities specified in
22applications could meet training and employment needs and give a preference in
23awarding the grants to projects that seek to eliminate waiting lists for courses
24pertaining to jobs with high employment demand.
AB398,3,2525 (End)