Submittal of proposed rules to the legislature
Please check the Bulletin of Proceedings - Administrative Rules for further information on a particular rule.
Chapter Ins 17, relating to annual patients compensation fund and mediation fund fees for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2004.
Natural Resources
Chs. NR 10 and 11, relating to hunting and trapping regulation changes.
Natural Resources
Ch. NR 20, relating to fishing on the inland, outlying and boundary waters of Wisconsin.
Natural Resources
Ch. NR 50, relating to snowmobile trail grant program.
Natural Resources
Ch. NR 168, relating to administration of the brownfield site assessment grant program.
Public Defender
Chapter PD 6, relating to the repayment of cost of legal representation and clarifying the case types of petitions for supervised release and conditional release.
Chapter Trans 1, relating to the elderly and disabled transportation assistance to counties.
Chapter Trans 276, relating to allowing the operation of double bottoms and certain other vehicles on certain specified highways.
Workforce Development
Chapter DWD 272, relating to increasing Wisconsin's Minimum Wages.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.