Penalty, 196.60, 196.604
Rates, forbidden, 196.22
Race, in employment, 111.321
Cars furnished without, 195.22 (2)
Preferences prohibited, 195.12
Rates, prohibited, 195.11
Real estate:
Representations to induce panic sales, 106.04 (2m)
Sales on basis of race, 452.14 (3) (jm), 452.17 (4)
In employment, 111.337
Political, in civil service, 230.18
Rental, animals assisting persons with disabilities, 106.04 (2r) (bm)
School pupils, 118.13
Schools, physical education facilities, 119.22
Sex and sexual orientation, in employment, 111.321, 111.36
Sexual harassment in employment prohibited, 108.04 (7) (i)
Sexual orientation, in civil service, 230.18
Spousal credit, 138.20 (1m)
State defense force membership, prohibited, 111.321
State employes, complaints, 230.45
Statutes, review by department and agency heads, 15.04
Students, 36.12, 38.23
Employment, penalty, 118.20
Handicapped, 118.195
Telecommunications utilities, forbidden, 196.625
Urban redevelopment projects, 66.405 (2m)
Worker's compensation, rates, prohibited, 626.25 (2)