2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE
September 11, 2007 - Introduced by Senators Robson, Erpenbach, Darling, Risser,
Lassa, Miller, Schultz, Olsen, Lehman, Harsdorf, Taylor, Hansen, Cowles,
Coggs, Roessler, Sullivan
and Wirch, cosponsored by Representatives
Berceau, Hilgenberg, Sheridan, Boyle, Zepnick, Nelson, Soletski,
Jeskewitz, Hraychuck, Sinicki, Albers, Benedict, Pocan, A. Williams, Suder,
A. Ott, Ballweg, Pope-Roberts, Hahn, Seidel, Shilling, Toles, Young, Parisi,
Kreuser, Molepske, Hebl, Grigsby, Kaufert, Mason, Strachota, Fields
Townsend. Referred to Committee on Senate Organization.
SJR60,1,1 1Relating to: recognizing October 2007 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
SJR60,1,42 Whereas, the Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence and the National
3Coalition Against Domestic Violence observe October as "Domestic Violence
4Awareness Month"; and
SJR60,1,65 Whereas, October 1 is observed as the "Day of Unity Against Domestic Violence"
6and October 10 is observed as "Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day"; and
SJR60,1,97 Whereas, by observing these special days, the Wisconsin Coalition Against
8Domestic Violence, a statewide membership organization of over 75 domestic abuse
9programs, comes together to speak out against domestic violence; and
SJR60,1,1210 Whereas, the achievements of those working to end domestic violence
11throughout the nation and state, together with the communities of Wisconsin, are
12applauded; and
SJR60,2,213 Whereas, the Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence is an exemplary
14organization that serves as a valuable resource to victims and their children, law
15enforcement agencies, the legal community, and legislators throughout the state and

1is deserving of the respect, gratitude, and praise of our communities and the state
2of Wisconsin; now, therefore, be it
SJR60,2,6 3Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That the members of the
4Wisconsin legislature commend the Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence
5and local domestic violence programs across the state and recognize October 2007 as
6Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
SJR60,2,77 (End)