2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE
February 25, 2008 - Introduced by Senators Hansen, Lehman, Grothman, Taylor
and Risser, cosponsored by Representatives Cullen, Albers, Berceau, Hahn,
Jorgensen, Krusick, Molepske, Mursau, Musser, Petrowski, Soletski, Vos,
A. Williams
and Ziegelbauer. Referred to Committee on Commerce, Utilities
and Rail.
SB531,1,4 1An Act to amend 440.44 (3) (intro.); and to create 440.47 (1m) of the statutes;
2relating to: posting information about charitable solicitation campaigns
3performed by professional fund-raisers on the Internet Web site of the
4Department of Regulation and Licensing.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
With certain exceptions, current law requires every charitable organization to
register with the Department of Regulation and Licensing (department) before it
solicits or has contributions solicited on its behalf. Excepted from this requirement
is a fraternal, civic, benevolent, patriotic, or social organization that solicits
contributions solely from its membership; a state agency or local governmental unit;
and certain private schools. Current law also requires a professional fund-raiser to
register with the department before the professional fund-raiser may solicit on
behalf of a charitable organization that is required to be registered with the
department. A professional fund-raiser is defined as a person who, for
compensation, requests contributions and states or implies that the contributions
will be used for a charitable purpose or will benefit a charitable organization.
In addition, current law requires the professional fund-raiser to enter into a
contract with a charitable organization prior to soliciting contributions. The contract
must clearly state the amount of revenue, expressed as a percentage of the gross
revenue raised, that the charitable organization must receive under the contract.
The professional find-raiser must submit a solicitation notice to the department
before performing services under the contract. The solicitation notice must provide

certain information, including the projected period during which the soliciting will
take place and the location and telephone number from which the soliciting will be
conducted, and be accompanied by a copy of the contract between the charitable
organization and the professional fund-raiser.
This bill requires the department to compile the following information received
from professional fund-raisers and to post this information on the department's
Internet Web site:
1. The name and address of the professional fund-raiser.
2. The name and address of the charitable organization with which the
professional fund-raiser has entered into a contract.
3. A full and fair description of the charitable purpose for which solicitations
will be made.
4. The dates on which the soliciting services being performed under the
contract begin and end.
5. The percentage of funds, solicited by the professional fund-raiser, that the
charitable organization will receive under the contract.
6. The percentage of funds, solicited by the professional fund-raiser, that the
professional fund-raiser will receive under the contract.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB531, s. 1 1Section 1. 440.44 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB531,2,102 440.44 (3) Solicitation notice. (intro.) Before performing services under a
3contract with a charitable organization that is required to be registered under s.
4440.42 (1), a professional fund-raiser shall file with the department a completed
5solicitation notice in the form prescribed by the department. The charitable
6organization on whose behalf the professional fund-raiser is acting shall file with the
7department a written confirmation that the solicitation notice and any
8accompanying material are true and complete to the best of its knowledge. The
9solicitation notice shall be accompanied by the form required under s. 440.47 (1m),
10and shall
include all of the following:
SB531, s. 2 11Section 2. 440.47 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
1440.47 (1m) Public access to records of solicitations by professional
(a) The department shall require each professional fund-raiser to
3submit with the solicitation notice required under s. 440.44 (3) and in a form specified
4by the department the following information:
SB531,3,55 1. The name and address of the professional fund-raiser.
SB531,3,76 2. The name and address of the charitable organization with which the
7professional fund-raiser has entered into a contract under s. 440.44 (4).
SB531,3,98 3. A full and fair description of the charitable purpose for which solicitations
9will be made.
SB531,3,1110 4. The dates on which the services being performed by the professional
11fund-raiser pursuant to the contract under subd. 2. begin and end.
SB531,3,1412 5. The percentage of funds, to be solicited by the professional fund-raiser
13pursuant to the contract under subd. 2., that the charitable organization will receive
14under the contract.
SB531,3,1715 6. The percentage of funds, to be solicited by the professional fund-raiser
16pursuant to the contract under subd. 2., that the professional fund-raiser will
17receive under the contract.
SB531,3,2018 (b) The department shall make the information obtained under par. (a)
19available on the department's Internet Web site, and update the information as
SB531,3,2121 (End)