
Born Madison, June 12, 1953; married; 2 children. Graduate Madison West H.S.; B.B.A. UW-Madison 1975. Farm manager and real estate broker. Member: National Conference of State Legislatures; National Conference of Insurance Legislators; Sauk Co. Farm Bureau; Masons; Shrine; Lions; Hillpoint Rod and Gun Club. Awards: Military Order of the Purple Heart Legislator of the Year 2002; Wisconsin Wetlands Association and Sierra Club Conservation Award 2002; Deer and Elk Farmers Association Legislator of the Year 2002; WMC Outstanding Legislator Award 2001; Tavern League of Wisconsin Top Shelf Award 2000; Neighborhood Housing Services Legislative Leadership Award 2000; Excellence in Education Award 2000; Friend of Grocers Award 2010, 2006, 2004; AFSCME Local 2748 Appreciation Award 1998; Wis. Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs Assn. Commendation 1997; Wis. Counties Assn. Friend of County Government 2004; Council of State Governments Toll Fellow 1996, 1995; Wis. Hospitals Assn. Health Care Leadership Award 2003; Wis. Farm Bureau Federation Friend of Agriculture 2006, 2004; Wis. Federation of Cooperatives Friend of Cooperatives 2003; Wis. Pharmacists Assn. Outstanding Legislator; Wis. Assn. of Health Underwriters Insuring Freedom Award 2004; Wis. Medical Society Health Leadership Award 2004; Wis. Ethanol Producers Assn. and Wis. Corn Growers Assn. Legislator of the Year 2006; Wis. Dept. of Veterans Affairs Iron Mike Award 2006; Wis. Community Action Program Assn. William Steiger Human Services Award 2008.

Elected to Assembly 1982-91 (resigned 10/7/91); elected to Senate in September 1991 special election; reelected since 1994. Majority Leader 2005, 2003 (eff. 11/9/04).

Member of Historical Society of Wisconsin, Board of Curators and State Capitol and Executive Residence Board

2013 Authored Proposals

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2013 Co-authored Proposals

2013 Cosponsored Proposals

2013 Authored Amendments

2013 Votes

2013 Authored Proposals

(first or second author, first sponsor)

2013 Co-authored Proposals

2013 Cosponsored Proposals

2013 Authored Amendments

2013 Votes