Born Appleton, November 26, 1954; married; 2 children. Graduate Hortonville H.S. 1972; attended UW-Fox Valley 1972-74. Full-time legislator. Former owner, fitness center and agri-business; real estate broker. Member: Fox Valley Lutheran Homes (delegate); Greenville Lions Club. Former member: Zion Lutheran Church Council (pres.); Paper Valley Soccer Club (vice-pres.).
Elected to Assembly 2012.
3/26/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 90
Relating to: ethanol-blended gasoline.
3/13/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 87
Relating to: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month.
3/13/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 673
Relating to: unlawful use of a global positioning device and providing a penalty. (FE)
3/10/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 665
Relating to: the penalty for failing to stop for a school bus displaying flashing red warning lights and providing a penalty. (FE)
2/28/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 644
Relating to: modifying the duties of a county clerk; the counties in which a board of election commissioners is required; and staffing of a board of election commissioners in populous counties. (FE)
2/21/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 78
Relating to: commending and congratulating Chancellor Richard H. Wells for his contributions to the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and the state of Wisconsin.
2/20/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 77
Relating to: recognizing Dr. Norman Borlaug for his role in advancing agriculture by developing new wheat varieties and helping to improve the food security of developing nations worldwide.
2/20/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 624
Relating to: an income tax credit for the moving expenses paid by a business relocating to this state. (FE)
2/18/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 619
Relating to: creating a model academic standards board.
2/18/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 75
Relating to: the life and the military and public service of Gerald L. Trumm.
2/17/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 605
Relating to: providing notice of firearm prohibition when serving notice for certain injunction hearings and process for surrendering firearms following the granting of certain injunctions. (FE)
2/13/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 599
Relating to: accessing and obtaining patient health records by public defenders. (FE)
2/13/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 597
Relating to: closing hours for retail sales by wineries and the possession and consumption of intoxicating liquor and fermented malt beverages on retail premises of wineries.
2/7/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 577
Relating to: the property tax exemption for rented personal property. (FE)
2/7/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 574
Relating to: energy emergencies and vehicle weight limits. (FE)
2/5/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 568
Relating to: a grant program to support creative industries, job creation, or economic development in this state and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/5/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 566
Relating to: state 911 telecommunications services, police and fire protection fee imposed on certain communications services, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
2/3/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 541
Relating to: opioid treatment programs and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/3/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 549
Relating to: development of a system of short-term sanctions for individuals who violate conditions of extended supervision, parole, probation, or a deferred prosecution agreement and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/30/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 527
Relating to: liability and immunity of sport shooting ranges.
1/30/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 534
Relating to: the regulation of mortgage loan originators, mortgage brokers, and mortgage bankers. (FE)
1/30/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 529
Relating to: evaluation of infants for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and referral of infants who have that condition for services and treatment. (FE)
1/27/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 521
Relating to: providing funding for a crime prevention program in the city of Milwaukee and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/27/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 523
Relating to: tests administered to newborns for congenital disorders. (FE)
1/27/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 520
Relating to: rule-making procedures and modifying and repealing various rules promulgated by the Department of Financial Institutions. (FE)
1/22/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 509
Relating to: operation of agricultural vehicles on highways and providing a penalty. (FE)
1/22/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 507
Relating to: providing grants to counties that offer substance abuse treatment and diversion from incarceration and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/22/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 508
Relating to: permitting an employee to voluntarily choose to work without one day of rest in seven.
1/16/2014: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 63
Relating to: honoring the life and public service of James Jeskewitz.
1/15/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 493
Relating to: rule-making procedures and repealing various rules promulgated by the Department of Workforce Development.
1/15/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 497
Relating to: agency discretion in imposing penalties for minor violations of rules by small businesses and granting rule-making authority.
1/15/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 491
Relating to: stalking and sexual offenses under the code of military justice. (FE)
1/15/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 494
Relating to: rule-making procedures and modifying certain rules promulgated by the Department of Workforce Development for the administration of the laws governing traveling sales crews.
1/10/2014: 2013 Senate Bill 489
Relating to: adulterated, misbranded, and insanitary food.
12/20/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 453
Relating to: the furnishing of intoxicating liquor taste samples at certain retailer trade association events.
12/20/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 457
Relating to: cooperation of Wisconsin licensed real estate brokers with out-of-state real estate brokers, salespersons, and time-share salespersons, powers of out-of-state brokers, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
12/20/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 452
Relating to: creating an exception to the prohibition against underage persons entering or being on premises operating under a retail alcohol beverage license.
12/16/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 443
Relating to: use of the state's student information system by a private school participating in a parental choice program.
12/16/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 448
Relating to: the sales and use tax exemption for equipment used in a fertilizer blending, feed milling, or grain drying operation. (FE)
12/16/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 449
Relating to: authorizing the transfer of certain tax credits earned in connection with economic development in this state.
12/16/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 447
Relating to: strip searches. (FE)
12/11/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 438
Relating to: health care benefits plans for school districts.
12/10/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 432
Relating to: prohibition on tracking the location of a cellular telephone by law enforcement without a warrant. (FE)
12/3/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 413
Relating to: the definition and practice of dentistry for professional licensing purposes.
11/21/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 409
Relating to: individual placement and support program for employment of individuals experiencing mental illness and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/21/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 408
Relating to: school district bonds, promissory notes, and state trust fund loans.
11/21/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 410
Relating to: mental health benefits and reimbursement for mental health services under the Medical Assistance program. (FE)
11/11/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 395
Relating to: cosmetologist training hours and exemption of makeup artists from barbering and cosmetology licensure requirements. (FE)
11/4/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 392
Relating to: requiring legislation for agencies to take an action to, request federal moneys to, and use state moneys to assist the federal government to create or implement a health benefit exchange. (FE)
11/4/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 385
Relating to: the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation's officers, committees, and reporting obligations.
11/4/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 389
Relating to: indexing for inflation of, and making other changes to, the college savings plan income tax deduction. (FE)
10/29/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 372
Relating to: creating a mechanism for an interested person to request an emergency stabilization and providing a penalty. (FE)
10/29/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 374
Relating to: providing grants to counties that offer treatment and diversion programs to people with mental illnesses and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/29/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 375
Relating to: the use of an epinephrine auto-injector on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity.
10/24/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 365
Relating to: coverage of certain individuals engaged in sales activity outside a permanent retail establishment under the unemployment insurance law. (FE)
10/24/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 366
Relating to: creation of a primary care and psychiatry shortage grant program, exempting from taxation amounts received from such a grant program, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/24/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 368
Relating to: grants to counties to contract for peer-run respite centers and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/24/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 369
Relating to: reporting on county performance on providing core mental health services and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 354
Relating to: granting victims of certain offenses a right to be accompanied by a victim advocate.
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 359
Relating to: child psychiatry consultation program and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 353
Relating to: identification presentation and monitoring for certain prescription drugs. (FE)
10/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 349
Relating to: local regulation of nonmetallic mining; local regulation of air quality; local regulation of water quality; local regulation of the use of explosives in mining, quarrying, and related activities; highway use contracts by local governments; and local regulation of borrow sites and material disposal sites for transportation projects of the Department of Transportation. (FE)
10/14/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 343
Relating to: snowmobile registration, trail use sticker requirements, and funding for supplemental snowmobile trail aids. (FE)
10/14/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 348
Relating to: the sales and use tax exemption for aircraft parts, maintenance, and labor. (FE)
10/14/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 342
Relating to: the sharing of tax increments. (FE)
10/9/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 54
Relating to: proclaiming November 2013 as Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month.
10/4/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 52
Relating to: proclaiming October as Polish-American Heritage Month.
10/4/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 53
Relating to: the life and public service of Paul Poberezny.
10/4/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 334
Relating to: technical excellence higher education scholarships, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/2/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 327
Relating to: snowmobile registration, trail use sticker requirements, calculating the estimated snowmobile gas tax payment, and funding for supplemental snowmobile trail aids. (FE)
10/2/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 328
Relating to: changing the method by which a municipality may collect the costs of razing a building from a property owner. (FE)
10/2/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 321
Relating to: limitation of a property owner's liability when lands are used for noncommercial aviation.
10/2/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 317
Relating to: race-based nicknames, logos, mascots, and team names and making an appropriation. (FE)
9/13/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 49
Relating to: the Wisconsin Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission.
9/10/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 292
Relating to: electronic delivery by property and casualty insurers of notices and documents.
9/10/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 48
Relating to: Recognition of the Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau's (LTSB) software development team by the National Association of Legislative Information Technology.
9/5/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 285
Relating to: purchases or transfers of rifles or shotguns in other states.
8/29/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 271
Relating to: substitute special education teachers and paraprofessional staffing services. (FE)
8/21/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 266
Relating to: the procedure for recounting ballots when electors voting in person are required to sign the poll list and fail to do so.
8/21/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 46
Relating to: the life and public service of Kathryn Morrison.
8/21/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 268
Relating to: nominees submitted by the Government Accountability Board candidate committee.
8/21/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 263
Relating to: challenging an elector's registration during recount proceedings.
8/21/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 258
Relating to: the distribution by schools of a concussion and head injury information sheet and the participation by pupils in a youth athletic activity.
8/16/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 45
Relating to: designating the Honor and Remember Flag as Wisconsin's emblem of service and sacrifice by those in the United States Armed Forces who have given their lives in the line of duty.
8/7/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 246
Relating to: the length of vehicles that may be operated on the highway without an overlength permit. (FE)
8/7/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 249
Relating to: an expenditure of $90,000 from the general fund for payment of a claim against the state made by Robert Lee Stinson. (FE)
7/31/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 239
Relating to: warning lights on school buses.
7/31/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 237
Relating to: requirements concerning barbering and cosmetology licensure. (FE)
7/31/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 238
Relating to: an optional incentive program for counties and tribes that identify fraudulent activity in certain public assistance programs, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
7/23/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 230
Relating to: motor vehicle registration, motor carrier appeals, rulemaking procedures, and modifying and repealing various rules promulgated by the Department of Transportation. (FE)
6/24/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 42
Relating to: designating December 14 as a day of remembrance for the victims of the Sandy Hook school shootings.
6/24/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 222
Relating to: citations to underage persons for alcohol beverages violations and disciplinary sanctions against University of Wisconsin System students for such violations and providing penalties. (FE)
6/14/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 40
Relating to: commending Colonel Curtis Lee Brown, USAF (Retired), for being inducted into the United States Astronaut Hall of Fame.
5/30/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 202
Relating to: prohibiting the group insurance board from contracting for or providing abortion services and exempting religious employers, religious organizations, and religious institutions of higher education from contraceptive insurance coverage.
5/30/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 203
Relating to: requiring the payment of health insurance premiums, and establishing a loan program, for survivors of a law enforcement officer, emergency medical technician, or fire fighter who dies, or has died, in the line of duty and making appropriations. (FE)
5/30/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 37
Relating to: requesting the International Olympic Committee to keep wrestling in the Olympic Games.
5/23/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 196
Relating to: restricting the use of drones and providing a penalty. (FE)
5/23/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 197
Relating to: the late payment of property taxes because of a medical emergency. (FE)
5/16/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 185
Relating to: the authority to hunt certain animals with a crossbow, establishing open seasons for hunting with a crossbow, and information required to be included on certain hunting license applications and certain hunting tags. (FE)
5/16/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 182
Relating to: the law governing repair, replacement, and refund under a motor vehicle warranty.
5/13/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 32
Relating to: commending His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama upon his visit to Wisconsin on May 14 and 15, 2013.
5/13/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 33
Relating to: recognizing the 110th anniversary of the founding of the Harley-Davidson Motor Company.
5/8/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 176
Relating to: special registration plates displaying the words Choose Life and making an appropriation. (FE)
5/8/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 170
Relating to: creating a refundable individual income tax credit for tuition expenses paid for dependents who attend certain public and private elementary and secondary schools. (FE)
5/3/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 27
Relating to: proclaiming May 2013 as Mental Health Awareness Month.
4/30/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 164
Relating to: requiring an open season for woodchucks.
4/25/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 153
Relating to: jurisdiction in matters relating to domestic abuse restraining orders and injunctions, child abuse restraining orders and injunctions, and harassment restraining orders and injunctions. (FE)
4/25/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 155
Relating to: the prohibition on telephone solicitations to residential customers, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
4/25/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 154
Relating to: injunctions suspending or restraining the enforcement or execution statewide of a statute of this state.
4/25/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 156
Relating to: payment of county medical examiners and medical examiner's assistants.
4/18/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 151
Relating to: the homeownership mortgage loan program administered by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.
4/18/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 147
Relating to: creating an individual income tax exemption for military income received by active duty members of the U.S. armed forces who die in a combat zone. (FE)
4/18/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 149
Relating to: payment of interest on advances made by the federal government to the unemployment reserve fund and making an appropriation. (FE)
4/17/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 146
Relating to: assessing property used for aging cheese as manufacturing property. (FE)
4/15/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 22
Relating to: the life and public service of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
4/10/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 18
Relating to: declaring May 2013 Youth Traffic Safety Month.
4/10/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 133
Relating to: decoys placed in water for migratory game bird hunting.
4/10/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 137
Relating to: the duty of physicians to inform patients of treatment options. (FE)
4/5/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 131
Relating to: fees for dental services.
4/3/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 129
Relating to: inadmissibility of a statement of apology or condolence by a health care provider.
4/1/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 118
Relating to: authorization for an additional deputy adjutant general in the department of military affairs.
4/1/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 114
Relating to: recall petition requirements.
4/1/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 15
Relating to: commending Ms. Tasha Schuh for being crowned Ms. Wheelchair USA.
3/28/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 110
Relating to: motor vehicle registration by the Department of Transportation, historic military vehicles, and Kei class vehicles. (FE)
3/28/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 14
Relating to: University of Wisconsin-Green Bay women's basketball team.
3/27/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 108
Relating to: applications for farmland preservation agreements.
3/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 97
Relating to: prohibiting certain telephone calls using electronically prerecorded messages, rules for requesting a listing in the nonsolicitation directory, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/22/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 96
Relating to: designating and marking STH 128 as the 128th Infantry Memorial Highway. (FE)
3/20/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 94
Relating to: the method of reporting election returns by municipalities.
3/20/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 84
Relating to: eliminating the estate tax. (FE)
3/13/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 72
Relating to: reports by the Dwelling Code Council on the one- and two-family dwelling code. (FE)
3/13/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 78
Relating to: trafficking food stamp program benefits. (FE)
3/1/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 12
Relating to: commending the Samoset Council of the Boy Scouts of America.
2/28/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 45
Relating to: indication of veteran status on an operator's license or identification card and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/19/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 34
Relating to: sales and property tax exemptions for property used by commercial radio and television stations. (FE)
2/15/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 23
Relating to: workforce training, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations. (FE)
2/13/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 22
Relating to: collateral source payments.
2/12/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 13
Relating to: torts and personal injury trusts. (FE)
2/12/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 11
Relating to: the Department of Transportation's initial costs of production for special registration plates supporting the Lions Clubs of Wisconsin and supporting motorcycle safety. (FE)
2/6/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 7
Relating to: the exclusion of veterinarians from the prescription drug monitoring program.
1/31/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 8
Relating to: the retirement of Pam Shannon, Senior Staff Attorney, Legislative Council Staff, following a long and distinguished career in nonpartisan service to the Wisconsin legislature.
1/18/2013: 2013 Senate Bill 1
Relating to: regulation of ferrous metallic mining and related activities, procedures for obtaining approvals from the Department of Natural Resources for the construction of utility facilities, making an appropriation, and providing penalties. (FE)
1/18/2013: 2013 Senate Joint Resolution 4
Relating to: creation of a department of transportation, creation of a transportation fund, and deposit of funds into the transportation fund (second consideration).
2/24/2014: 2013 ASA1-AB763
Relating to: regulation of mobile dentistry programs and granting rule-making authority.
1/15/2014: 2013 ASA1-AB288
Relating to: county payments to public libraries in adjacent counties.
11/5/2013: 2013 AA3-AB386
10/30/2013: 2013 AA1-AA1-AB386
10/29/2013: 2013 AA2-AB386
10/29/2013: 2013 AA1-AB386